Eric became Senior lecturer in Computing at the University of Winchester, then King Alfred's College, in 1998, working in the Business Management Group.
He led this group until 2007, having been appointed head of subject in 2001. During this period, the group expanded to include Tourism and Leisure Management, and increased its scope to include Masters and foundation degrees, plus a range of specialist BA programmes. Student numbers increased to 450 full-time equivalent. In 2007, this success was recognized in the creation of Winchester Business School, with the appointment of Prof Neil Marriott, supported by a grant from the Bulldog Foundation.
The growth was achieved by validating new BA degrees in Business Management, Tourism and Heritage Management, and Leisure and Events Management. Foundation degrees include Management with various specialist pathways, including an IT pathway developed in association with Logica. In 2007, we started the MSc in Business Management.
Materials from Eric's recent lectures can be seen on request. Recent teaching has included:
Eric also supervised dissertation projects for Business students and contributed to the MSc programme.
As head of Business, Eric chaired Examination Boards and team meetings, including those to determine strategy and plan new programmes. He coordinated the production of definitive documents for Business programmes, and was faculty representative on the University Senate until his retirement. He served on University committees (Academic Regulations, Information Services, Restructuring, Building design), programme validation panels, interview panels, and the Faculty and Quality Committees.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education conducted a review of Business and Management programmes at King Alfred's in Feb 2001, and Eric prepared documentation for their visit.
The outcome was a rating of 22 out of a possible 24.