Eric Bodger | [obsolete CV] |
Eric was Senior lecturer in Computing at the University of Winchester (formerly King Alfred's College) from the beginning of 1998, and was head of subject for Business and Informatics from 2001 to 2007. He retired in September 2009. He branched out as an independent consultant in 1996, after 25 years with IBM, and sees his consultancy work as a valuable bridge between Business and the academic world. In the run up to Year-2000, he ran workshops for Small/medium enterpprises on behalf of Business Link Wessex. Other clients included Grafton Technology, where he worked on the design of a Companies Registry system and a Financial Forecasting System; and The British Dental Association. He is a K2 Associate, and IT consultant to The Lime Centre.
Eric specializes in mastering technical topics and presenting them in a comprehensible way, with clear recommendations where appropriate. He has spoken at large conferences in Britain, mainland Europe and the USA, and has written the final reports of several task-forces.
He gets great satisfaction from problem-solving, and from clarifying technical issues; either to a class, in writing, or in the form of a system design. Examples are assignments co-ordinating task forces (on networking, telephony and security) and writing up their conclusions. He understands standard-setting, and served on the BCS FORTRAN subcommittee, and more recently on the CICS Architecture Board and the Academic Regulations Committee at Winchester.
His main technical expertise is in text-processing, transaction processing, Microsoft Windows, and VM/370, and he has programmed in FORTRAN, PL/I, Rexx and Pascal.
From 1991 until he left IBM early in 1996, Eric led the technical team developing CICSPlex SM. This product simplifies the management of collections of CICS servers that can be spread across mainframe and distributed systems. He balanced conflicting demands on the resources of his team, ensuring that all key tasks were done on time. He represented the team within IBM, and presented the product to customers and at international conferences. In 1997, he was contracted to return to IBM to publish announcements and Internet pages publicising CICSPlex SM.
In addition to this outward-looking work, he negotiated with the chief designer and development manager of the vendor producing the code, articulating customer requirements and proposing ways to meet them. He responded to queries from customers and other IBM locations, managing a database of the requirements that emerged, and driving the most urgent ones through to solution, without impact on the schedule.
Head of Subject and Senior lecturer in Business and Informatics.
Leading the CICSPlex SM technical team
Lead designer - New Oxford English Dictionary
User Satisfaction Survey and DP Strategy
Eric's background is as a programmer and system designer, working in various parts of IBM since 1970, initially on internal information systems and networking services. As a VM enthusiast, he was responsible for a major expansion of the VNET network in Europe, building a business case and securing funding for the network he designed. He has led and motivated teams, including one that had to double the capacity of its service in preparation for handing it over to IBM Netherlands. He has worked on new business development (the VNET extension was the result), and on information systems strategy, with particular reference to printing facilities and to user productivity. He served on international task forces, organizing their findings and writing the concluding reports.
He was previously a research assistant in Crystallography at Dundee University, where he was introduced into business and data processing. Eric designed and programmed a system to control X-ray instruments, and to process the data they yielded. He was Students' Union President, responsible for the bar, catering and other student services. He was a member of Dundee's successful University Challenge team.
Eric was a scholar of Balliol College, Oxford, and took an MA in Chemistry (with Part II research in Neutron scattering spectroscopy).
He served on BCS FORTRAN Standards committee until he moved to the USA in 1976.
Life before IBM, an informal summary.
Eric lives with his wife in a farm house near Winchester, England. His other interests are music, friends -- and maintaining the farm house.
Notes about Bill Honaker, Eric's father-in-law.
Sixty+ years ago -- link to a contemporary account of The last days of the war for Greece; April 1941
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